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Company Profile

Company Name Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.
Established May 1970
Capital 245 million yen
President Kuniaki Natsume
Headquarters 3-26-3, Shodai-Tajika, Hirakata-shi, Osaka, 573-1132, Japan
Business Outline (1) Develop, manufacture, market, service, as well as import and export of scientific equipment, optical equipment, medical devices, industrial measurement equipment, the related parts and accessories.
(2) Manufacture, market, and import and export of diagnostic agents.
(3) Support for the acquisition of Medical Business License, and the application for Marketing Authorization Holder of medical devices.
(4) Outsourcing partner/measurement contractor for measurements using scientific equipment, optical equipment, and industrial measurement equipment.
(5) Other ventures supplemental to the above-mentioned operations.
Full Time Employees 196 (As of December 31, 2024)
Major Customers Electric/accurate equipment related companies, chemical/food related companies, medical/pharmaceutical related companies, testing/research institutes and universities/government offices.
Main Banks Resona Bank, Ltd.
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Affiliated Companies Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Electronics Korea Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Tech Electronics Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Mechatronics Co.,Ltd.



1970 Established as “Union Giken Co., Ltd.”
1980 Joined the Otsuka Group; launched our first model of particle-size analyzer.
1982 Launched our first model of multi-channel photodetector, which has grown to become our present core product.
1985 Completed the present headquarters building and relocated to the new site.
1986 Changed company name to “Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.”; completed the first phase of construction at Shiga Plant; acquired GMP certification.
1987 Launched our first model of LCD evaluation system.
1990 Completed the second phase of construction at Shiga Plant.
1997 Acquired ISO 9001 certification for certain medical devices.
Opened Seoul branch office (predecessor of Otsuka Electronics Korea).
1998 Acquired governmental approval of our medical device, IR spectrophotometer for 13CO2 breath test.
2003 Expanded ISO 9001 certification to all products.
Established subsidiaries “Otsuka Electronics Korea Co., Ltd.” (Korea) and “Otsuka Tech Electronics Co., Ltd.” (Taiwan).
2004 Completed the third phase of construction at Shiga Plant.
Changed the applicable standard of medical devices from ISO9001 to ISO13485 and acquired certification thereof.
2005 Completed the fourth phase of construction at Shiga Plant.
2007 Established a subsidiary in China, “Otsuka Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.”.
2010 Capital participation in Chuo Electronic Measurement Co.,Ltd.
(present Otsuka Mechatronics Co.,Ltd.)
2011 Accredited as a qualified calibration firm by JCSS. (Acquired ISO17025 certification)
Established a joint venture medical company in Xiamen, China
2015 Established Osaka headquarter (Osaka city) and sales offices (Tokai and Kyushu)
Changed corporate symbol
2017 Withdrew ISO 9001 certification
2018 Established Kyoto Advanced Technology Center (Kyoto city)
2022 Acquired ISO14001 certification for Shiga Plant.

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